We Are No One (Changelog)

We Are No One (Changelog)

Both me and my computer have been pretty sick so far this whole year, but I’ve made some progress in the last couple months anyways. Pages: Intro, Page 10: My sister Dannika, helped with the coloring on the first panel (as shown in the featured image.) I got to...
We Are No One (Pages and Script Changelog)

We Are No One (Pages and Script Changelog)

Pretty small update today! This is my reward to myself for finishing some paid work. It’ll be really satisfying putting up the two pages I finally finished. Intro Page 11 – Inked, colored, done. Getting better at the way Kaya’s face works I think. I...
10(ish) Songs for and About Art

10(ish) Songs for and About Art

I’m procrastinating right now. I’ve got a massive drawing that needs to be finished by next week. Somewhere between worries that I’m not quite good enough to get what I want, strong compulsive impulses to keep working on my graphic novel, and a...
We Are No One (Pages Changelog)

We Are No One (Pages Changelog)

Okay, let’s see how many of these pages I can get uploaded today! Very minor spoilers… They’re not really spoilers, I’m just not going to dodge around talking about character traits, even if they’re not entirely established yet. It takes...
We Are No One (Pages Changelog)

We Are No One (Pages Changelog)

I’m going to call this “The Minimum Viable Product Release #1”. Because I got so frustrated not having enough time to actually ship finished pages, that I switched over to just trying to get enough legible stuff down that I can actually get feedback...
We Are No One (Pages Changelog)

We Are No One (Pages Changelog)

While I’m not going to make my deadline putting out the first chunk this month (it’s financially unfeasible), I’ve still done a lot of work since the last update. The previous post talked about the work I’ve done on the script. These are the...
We Are No One (Script Update)

We Are No One (Script Update)

LJ Throwback – Currently listening to: “An End Has a Start” by Editors Okay, so… about two weeks ago I realized not only was there no way I was going to make the deadline I set for myself, I was going to go completely broke trying. I mean,...
We Are No One (Update Changelog)

We Are No One (Update Changelog)

I’ve been working really hard over the last month, and I finally have a full day to update all the pages I have on the site. But just updating wouldn’t make it clear just how far I’ve come this month, so here’s a list of all the little changes...
Why Explaining Everything Makes the World Small

Why Explaining Everything Makes the World Small

Livejournal Throwback! Currently Listening to: The True Survivor We Share: Chvches vs Kung Fury, a mashup by “Yepp I’m the Toaster” I know I’ve had this discussion with most of my friends at this point, but I wanted to talk a little about how...
Writing Killers (‘We Are No One’ Update)

Writing Killers (‘We Are No One’ Update)

Livejournal callback! Mood: Procrastination Caffeination I have a habit of putting on analytical video essays about movies and comics, and then sorta… half watching them, while thinking about the story. It’s not an intentional habit. I don’t think...