We Are No One (March 2023 Changelog)
Well here we are again! I feel a little different going into this website update than I have the last few couple times. Like… unconcerned about the quantity I’ve drawn. So let’s see how much we’ve done in the last nine months; stress free...
We Are No One (Changelog)
Scene 5, Page 2: Second panel is “finished” (though it doesn’t look as good as I’d hoped), first panel has a few figures in place, but I think I’ll redo most of it, I don’t like the way it’s coming together, especially for...
We Are No One (Changelog)
It seems like it’s about time for an update, don’t you think? It’s been eight months since the release of book one, and a lot has gotten done. Not nearly as much as I’d like, but that’s how it goes, you know? I’ve been streaming...